What can I say? My time at the YMCA has made me into a new, ultra-sexy man. The last time I was able to fit into this outfit was when I was 5.
Seriously though, I have started working out at the local Y with a trainer. That is a big step for me. I give myself 4 out of 5 pats on the back for that one.
In other news, I finished Orthodoxy and Fast Food Nation. I fear that I did Orthodoxy a grave disservice by rushing through it - it is one of those books (written about 100 years ago, mind you) that needs to be read slowly and deliberately, while chewing on a toothpick and sitting at the park. I didn't do that. Chesterton has a habit of turning things on their head. While this is cool at first, it gets old after a while. He is clever, though.
Orthodoxy: C
Fast Food Nation was a blast to read through. I felt like crying during many of the passages that talk about what immigrants have to go through in meat-packing plants. I recommend this book to anybody - very entertaining, and yet oh-so-practical (the last chapter of the book offers solutions to the problems he outlines). This will probably disgust you and disturb you - it did me.
Fast Food Nation: A