Less than 3 weeks. That's what I have left here in Valencia. Wind Ensemble ended last week at TMC; jazz band will end this next week. I can casually flip through the remaining pages in my textbooks - there aren't many left. I'm actually having to think about packing for the trip back home. I'm arranging for somebody to pick me up at the airport - the airport in Kansas.
But I won't forget the times I had in California. In fact, I may return some day when I have a degree and a job (and some money to put down on a house).
Oh, and a wife would be good too.
Some Book Blurbs:
For a highly entertaining and socially-charged book on racism in the deep South during the 60's, try this captivating true story by John Howard Griffin.
Black Like Me: B
The Journal of a slave woman and her escape to the North. A fairly telling account of the slave situation.
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: C
A neat historical book by Iain H. Murray, retracing the history of the church in between the first and second great awakening. Murray shows how the practice of Revivalism (emotionally-charged tent meetings or revival meetings aimed at making large numbers of converts), especially as espoused by Finney, sprang out of the various denominations. Of course, Murray is opposed to this manipulative practice, which still goes on today.
Revival and Revivalism: C
A sort of dumbed-down version of The Undercover Economist. The reading is highly interesting and even provocative at times (to some readers). Levitt and Dubner explain why the legalization of abortion accounted for the drop in crime in the 90s, why drug dealers still live with their moms, and why the most popular names in 2015 may be Finnegan, McGregor, Liam, Aviva, Maeve, and Flannery. This one is a good read for anybody (and it's easy too, compared with Harford's book).
Freakonomics: B
At least you'll be sort of close through the summer. Maybe we can even do something together some weekend or something. Who knows.